Hon. Kenneth D. McClintock is the Senior Public Policy Advisor at POLITANK*, a government affairs law firm specializing in developing strategies to best represent private interests before governmental forums. A native of London, England and a graduate of the Tulane University School of Law, McClintock’s public service career has spanned over 40 years and included such influential positions as President of the Senate of Puerto Rico and Secretary of State, and has chaired two Commonwealth-wide Transition Committees.

Beginning in 1992, McClintock served during four terms as a member of the Senate of Puerto Rico, spanning three different Governors. During his last term, McClintock was elected by his peers to serve as Senate President. McClintock is the author of innumerable bills and over 100 laws, including Telecommunications Reform and much of our current energy-related legislation, such as those provisions regarding Net Metering and Wheeling. Much of this was accomplished due to his ability to build consensus across party lines.

During his tenure as a Senator, McClintock served as Chairman of the Council of State Governments (CSG), the first Hispanic and the youngest in the history of the 80-year-plus organization that represents the three branches of government of the United States’ States and Territories. He also served as the second President of the Parliamentary Conference of the Americas (COPA), which represents national and sub-national legislators throughout the Western Hemisphere.


n 2009, McClintock was appointed to serve as Secretary of State/Lieutenant Governor of Puerto Rico, a position which required him to serve as Acting Governor in numerous instances. In this role, he was responsible for the crafting and passage of ten measures to reorganize Puerto Rico’s Executive Branch. The Governor delegated to him the authority to adjudicate all Public Private Partnership Authority P3 contracts.

Nationally, McClintock is a member of the Democratic Party, currently serving his fifth 4-year term as a member of the Democratic National Committee. His involvement has led to his attendance at the past eleven Democratic National Conventions. He also co-chaired Hillary Clinton’s highly successful 2008 and 2016 primary campaigns in Puerto Rico. His national service includes participation as a delegate to the White House Conference on Children and Youth under President Nixon, an appointment by President Carter to the National Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and acting as a representative of the U.S. Department of State internationally under President Obama. He has lobbied the U.S. Congress for over 40 years on a myriad of issues affecting Puerto Rico.

The founder of the Córdova Congressional Internship Program, McClintock’s charitable work has included serving for nearly two decades on the Board of Directors of The Washington Center for Academic Internships and Scholarships, a DC-based non-profit organization. He also serves as a delegate to the Episcopal Church’s Diocesan Assembly in Puerto Rico.

Known in Puerto Rico as “Mr. Government”, McClintock provides our clients with the insight, expertise, and strategic knowledge of Puerto Rico’s Government— from the Executive, Municipal to Legislative branches— that only an insider can deliver.